- Supports twisted-pair wire medium.
- NFPA Style 4 (Class B) operation or NFPA Style 7 (Class A) operation.
- Two programmable data thresholds.
- Transformer coupling provides electrical isolation between nodes.
- Pluggable terminal wiring with strain relief.
- Pluggable service connector (feeds signal directly through) in the event that power must be removed from a node.
- 312.5 Kbaud transmission rate.
- Data is regenerated at each node.
- Two network ports to allow simultaneous connection to fire alarm control panel and to programming computer.
- Enables software and database upload/download over
- Repeaters are available to increase signal.
- Repeaters may be utilized to switch media type.
- Up to 3,000 feet (914.4 m) between nodes in a point-to-point fashion (actual distance varies with wire quality).
- NCM-W Interconnections: When wiring consecutive NCM-W boards, wiring may enter or exit at Port A or Port B. NCM-W port-to-port wiring is not polarity sensitive; use of Port A or Port B is arbitrary. An NCM-W may be connected to any of the following devices: MIB-W, MIB-WF, NAM-232W, NCM-W (in another panel), NCS-W network connection, RPT-W, RPT-WF.
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